Cancellation Policy
If you can’t attend a class please cancel your booking at least 4 hours before the start to allow others to join the class and a refund of any credits.
Freezing Passes
In the case of illness or injury we can freeze your pass until you recover. Please email to with evidence.
Pass Usage
Passes are for the use of 1 person (unless 2/3 child pass) and are non-transferrable, non-refundable and not to be shared with third parties.

Please use the booking form below or download our phone App. If you want to book 2 people into a class, please book the class again (for example if you have 2 children). For children please use an account in the name of the parent..

PRICES - 1st September 2024

Drop in Class = €13
Block of 5 Classes (valid for 30 days) = €59
Block of 10 Classes (valid for 45 days) = €99
Block of 20 Classes (valid for 60 days) = €169
If you have more than one child book the same class multiple times.
Pass days start counting on the day of first attendance, not day of purchase

Drop in Class = €17
Block of 5 Classes (valid for 30 days) = €79
Block of 10 Classes (valid for 45 days) = €119
Unlimited Classes for 7 Days = €39
Unlimited Classes for 30 days = €99

Unlimited Passes do not include Trampoline or Aerial Classes

Pass days start counting on the day of first attendance, not day of purchase